Circumstances don’t matter, only state of being matters

Let us go with the notion that what you put out, you get back.  And so, you may now be thinking and feeling good and want to acquire something in your life to enhance it.

Then, as you are giving off this new and positive vibration you notice your circumstances haven’t really changed and think that maybe you’ve gone wrong somewhere.  The physical mind often gets caught up in it’s own sense of control. And so, if it doesn’t ‘see’ physical change (because that’s one of its functions to ‘see’ the physical world), then it automatically assumes that if it does not see a one to one reflection of circumstances that surround you, with what you now believe you are giving off (your new vibration) , then it will think that something has failed.  And quite happily keep telling you that something has failed! No, there is no failing and this is why.

A reminder, if you want something to change outside, you have to change inside. You have to change your vibration, your state of being in order to get that new change reflected back to you.

When you (your mind) sees no change, it is because the first reflection/manifestation will be exactly the same.  The first reflection is just an ‘echo’ of how things used to be. You must not respond to the echo as if the echo is the representation of your new state.

The ‘echo’ gives you an opportunity to reinforce the new state of being that you have chosen by ‘responding’ in a different way to circumstances that look the same.  THAT is where you allow circumstances to truly reflect that YOU HAVE changed by ‘demonstrating’ that you have changed even though the circumstances appear to look the same as they used to.

You must therefore respond to the ‘echo’ knowing it is just an echo, you thus accept it as it is, you have surrendered resistance to it, thus, what you are putting out now (you new response) will solidify the vibration of your preferred state of being and allow the circumstances to change by taking their cue from the new vibration, and the absolute certainty that you have changed. Because if you respond to the ‘echo’ like you used to then, you have NOT changed.

Therefore, when you make a clear commitment that you have in fact vibrationally changed your state of being, you have established that you truly have changed and then circumstances can (in fact have no choice but to) reflect that change.  This is the explanation to all the times you hear the phrase ‘the change comes from within’.

Most people get the first bit right and change their vibration to a new preferred outlook etc, but then, they keep peeping out to see if things have changed, but you haven’t really changed at all if you’re doing that, because you’re responding to the circumstances in the same way and all you’ve done is the first part of the exercise. You do not need to keep peeping and checking, just know, that when you accept it as it is, and you understand it’s just an echo, surrender resistance (peeping, followed by inner complaint of it’s not changed!) and HOLD your new vibration – respond differently and still be happy-then, the change will present itself effortlessly.

The summary is that ‘circumstances don’t matter, only state of being matters’. Notice the words in that phrase. Circumstances don’t matter- they don’t materialise, only state of being matters- your state of being, your point of attraction determines your outer circumstances ie that which materialises into your reality.


Inspired by the teachings of Bashar.