Gratitude Attitude

In terms of vibrational frequency, gratitude is on the same level as love. The highest vibrations are in love and gratitude, the two are found in each other so to speak.  When you say ‘thank you’ it is ‘heart to heart’. And because the vibrational level is the highest point, we should try and remain in a state of gratitude as often as possible, we start by consciously ensuring that we give thanks and gratitude every day in anything, and also do affirmations on a daily basis to give thanks.  Then, it simply becomes a way of life and we maintain a constant ‘gratitude attitude’.

When we feel angry, down, depressed or fearful…these are dense vibrations, we feel heavy. We need to raise our vibration quickly and so the easiest way to do it, is by giving thanks. I often tell people to write down 30 things (every day for a month and beyond if you wish) for which they can give thanks. The first one is ‘I am thankful and grateful for the air that I breathe’. The next may be ‘ I am thankful and grateful for the Earth’, then ‘for my health’ and so on. Write each one in full and separately and whilst writing them “feel” deep gratitude. You will find that when you complete this exercise, you will feel better and will have raised your vibrational frequency. Thus your point of attraction is now positive.

Life is simple or complicated as you choose. Everything is a choice. Everything revolves around your belief systems. If you believe you have to ‘slog your guts out to make money’ then your belief system is in sync with your reality and so to make money you will find you are slogging away! You have to change the belief systems that do not serve you.

In life, you’ve got what you’ve got. In order to get more of what you desire, FIRST, BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE.  Then, your gratitude attitude will bring more of what you want into  your life – with much less effort. If you’re wondering how that happens, why not try it and see? You try other things, so why not try this?

Gratitude transforms our life, we begin to live in a state of grace. Life becomes kinder, people are friendlier. It can be described as a miracle. Synchronicity becomes part and parcel of your world. You find therefore that things just go your way! If your belief system says ‘this is too good to be true, something will go wrong in a minute’ then, yes it may well do, if you stay on that vibe. So choose your beliefs carefully.  You are worthy of all you desire, you just have to use the tools and do the homework in order to achieve what you want.

Be mindful however, that the higher mind knows what is best for you. So if you want something that actually in the grand scheme of things is not good or right for you, then it may not materialise. You can want something/someone, but just make it a ‘blue print or template’ because what to the physical mind is fantastic.. The ceiling or high point, is to the higher mind..just the floor! This means you don’t have to limit yourself by being too specific…just make it a template, then sit back, keep your vibration high, and let the higher mind bring to you with much less effort something that you would never have thought of for yourself. This is the power that is accessible to everyone.

Another very important thing to know it that it is not your (your mind’s) job to figure out ‘how’ things will happen. That is the job of the ‘higher mind’. The egoic mind (our normal mind) tries to figure everything out, all the time, trying to control everything. It has absolutely no business at all in that department, because that is the job of the higher mind, the link to the divine.  More importantly, the egoic mind simply cannot carry that load of trying to figure it all out, it’s tiring and can totally stress you out. We all know that feeling.

Isn’t that great to know therefore, the you can release and surrender to the higher mind and watch life unfold in ways you couldn’t even imagine!