Why our mistakes are important

A mistake is nothing more than an education.

Mistakes teach us something. Mistakes therefore help us grow. Mistakes also mean that which we call ‘negative experiences’.

On a simple level for example,  think about the times you made a mistake in maths or English class. You then LEARNED from that error (you have thus added to yourself, added to your intelligence let’s say from learning from the mistake). So, you have not only learned from the error, you can use to it to build upon further, e.g. When you get maths multiplication and division right, you can use them in a more complex calculations in say simultaneous equations.

In life, we are presented with many challenges. People prefer not to have to handle these situations and automatically run away from them, complain, blame someone else, get someone else to sort it out…does this sound familiar? No one wants to face it, and because the mistake is usually a lesson one has to learn about themselves, it boils down to the fact that no one wants to face themselves. I know this, of course we all do it.  The thing is, we must accept that the ‘dark side’ is on equal par with the light, In the sense that when we face it, learn from it and transform it, it becomes the light.  We must accept ourselves, with our mistakes. Many people cannot move on from this, and remain stuck in fear or resentment.  When we fully accept ourselves as we are, we can then move onward in life, in peace, because we have made peace with ourself.

You must ask yourself, where am I stuck, where am I lying to myself, where am I hiding? We all wear ‘personality masks’. We ‘act’ in different ways in different circumstances or with different people.  We ‘pretend’. When we remove the mask, we free ourselves from falseness and fear.  We are afraid to make mistakes lest we appear stupid or fail at something. These are all tricks of the egoic mind.  This is where most people dwell, especially when it comes to making a big life change or decision to move forward in some way. They tend to retreat and make excuses why not to do something. They dwell in what in my opinion is the most dangerous zone of all ‘the comfort zone’. Then then just conform to what they are ‘expected to do’.  In order to grow and expand we must push against some resistance of course, like a bud growing out of the ground, it must push out, in order to bloom.

In your own life, a bad experience may have been very difficult at the time, but once you get through it, it frees you.  And you learn the lesson you had to learn and it gives you a sense of power, inner power and peace.  If you haven’t learned from it, it will make you bitter, constantly criticising others and generally feeling as if life has cursed you, which it hasn’t.

Unless you learn the lessons you are supposed to learn, the universe will keep sending you situations where you have to ultimately face what it is that you have been running away from!  It’s nothing to be be scared or worried about, because you should just ‘know’ that since everything ‘serves’ you, it’s ok to tackle that which you don’t want to face. You will be surprised at the outcome.  This is because our mind makes it a hundred times more dreadful than it actually is.  The mind, projects us into the future and thinks about horrible scenarios, so, why not practice being in the ‘now’? See the section on “Being in the now”. Remember that beyond every fear is great freedom.

The next time you make a mistake or are confronted with a challenge, firstly think ‘what must I learn from this?’.  Then, instead of conjuring up fearful images, become present, even for a few seconds, feel the fear if it arises (it is just an energy form), then, accept the fear, own it, but then say ‘I prefer safety, peace and power and love, light and joy’. Say that at least 10 to 15 times.  Remain present and do the breathing exercises. When you feel calmer, re examine the situation with a fresh approach.  What you have done here, is raise your vibration from fear and confusion to a higher vibration, and so, you’re action will be from a higher vibrational level assisting in a better outcome.

We are here to save ourselves. To empower ourselves. When you realise that, then you appreciate your mistakes because they make you what you are today, in fact, you can be grateful for the mistakes you made as they have made you stronger and no doubt more wiser, given you power and transformed you into a better version of yourself.