Your point of attraction

“Like, attracts like.” Please dwell on this notion for a moment or two.  When you’re having a good day, have you noticed that you’re on a roll? Things just seem to go really well, people are friendlier, you feel good. By contrast when things are not too favourable, the day seems to get worse. This is because you ‘attract’ things, circumstances and people..who are on the same wavelength as you. The way you ‘feel’ at any given moment is ‘your wavelength’ or as I have said in the title of this section it is ‘your point of attraction’.

The universe responds to ‘feelings’ not so much to words. Which is why when you ‘say’ you’re feeling “ok” but you are really feeling down in the dumps, you continue to feel, down in the dumps. You said you’re ok, but this is merely denial, and we all know you cannot lie to yourself. You know exactly how you are feeling at any given moment no matter what spin you put on it to others or yourself. If you can grasp this concept you will realise why most of the time we go through life in a hap hazard manner, because we are not navigating our thoughts, and so we are pulled one way and then another with confusion.

You have to use conscious thought in order to really be able to get the law of attraction to work ‘with’ you. The exercise of using conscious thought ( being aware of your thoughts and thought  patterns and then selecting the thoughts that assist you) is crucial. Another example of why you should pick your thoughts carefully is when you think of something someone has said to you that has upset you, you may have one negative thought, then another and some more (like attracts like) and before you know it, you’ve been thinking of that one topic/incident for the whole day! And when that happens, you ‘feel’ uneasy, irritable, angry and so on. These emotions are of lower vibrations/wavelengths. Emotions are ‘energy forms’. And when you feel that way, that is your point of attraction at that time. So you can see what you will be attracting to yourself at that time – more of the same.

How to change your point of attraction:-

The first thing is to realise (become aware) of what you are thinking, because what you give power to; grows. You will from hereon, be able to ‘catch yourself’ dwelling on thoughts that don’t make you feel too good. The mind or ego is seductive, and pulls your attention to these negative thoughts and you have mini dialogues with yourself about whatever it was that annoyed you. The moment you realise you are doing this, you have become “aware” or ‘present’. Then, you can pick the thought you want to think in order to feel better, come out of the rut and raise you vibration to a higher ‘point of attraction’.

You may find it challenging to think of something else, (it is a bit challenging at first and it takes energy to change your train of thought so don’t worry).  When all you (think you) want to do is continue with (miserable and bitter) self dialogue, which usually consists of what you could have said in response, how you would have said it to look good, who you have to tell this to, usually someone who will agree with you..and keep talking about this miserable event, all this in self dialogue takes up time and energy, it can be all consuming. So, what do you do? Once you catch yourself in the act, you think of something that makes you feel a little better and gradually build up from that with positive thoughts to get to a better place ‘feeling’ wise.

I say a “little’ better, because if you try and suddenly incorporate a thought which is way better, you won’t actually believe it, you won’t sustain it and before you know it, you’re back to your self dialogue. This is a very subtle form of energy, but if I point it out in this way you can relate to what’s going on. So, ‘a little better’ means you may want to just have a small pause, laugh even, now you are aware of what you are doing and then say something like ‘I’m know I can find something more cheerful to dwell on’, ‘I am in control of my thoughts and can change the way I think and feel at whim’, ‘ I’m right now going to do something that I really like’, ‘I’m going to listen to my favourite uplifting song’. ‘I do not give consent to getting upset, when I know I can distance myself from the drama, I can see it as drama because I am aware of the thoughts that cause me to feel bad’, thus, ‘I am empowered.  Therefore, whilst thinking in this different pathway of thoughts you have gradually moved away from the original painful, irritating thought and your self dialogue has taken a turn to a higher vibration because you have consciously decided to pick thoughts and therefore feelings that put you in a better mood, you have now changed “your point of attraction’ from negative to positive.

Also note, if you cannot get into even a slightly better feeling, do not worry. You can pull out the proverbial ace up your sleeve…what’s the Ace? It is of course ‘Gratitude Attitude’ the ultimate saviour in the laws of the universe providing a clean sweep to clear the mind, raise your vibration with ease and ensure your woes disappear faster than a post work Pinot Grigio!  (Please see the section on “Gratitude Attitude”.)